WEEE Recycling of Returned Products

Custom Gate Automation Ireland Ltd (gatekits.ie) WEEE & Battery Statement Policy
Custom Gate Automation Ireland Ltd (gatekits.ie) is committed to the protection of the environment and the implementation of the WEEE and Battery Regulations and within Ireland.
The Waste Electrical and Electronic (WEEE) Regulations 2005 and Battery Regulations 2008 implement EU Directives which aim to reduce the Waste that arises from the production of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) and Batteries.
One of the principal features of the WEEE and Battery Regulations is that Retailers are obliged to accept returns of WEEE and Batteries from private households free of charge.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and waste batteries should never be placed in your waste disposal or recycling bins.
WEEE items are taken back free of charge at electrical retail outlets on a one-for-one like-for-like basis.
A facility for the recycling of small batteries is supplied in any local store, local Authority or Civic amenity facilities.
WEEE and waste battery recycling is FREE.
If you have any queries about our WEEE and Battery policy please contact
If you have any queries about our WEEE and Battery policy please contact
Custom Gate Automation Ireland Ltd (gatekits.ie)
Kilcock W23 R70C,
Co. Kildare
or email gatekits@gmail.com
Free Product Take Back
When you purchase electrical or electronic equipment (EEE) from us, you can return your equivalent Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) free of charge on a one-for-one like-for-like basis.
You can also take any WEEE to your local authority’s recycling centre or civic amenity site at any time free of charge.
For example, if you purchase a gate controller from us, you can return your old gate controller to us free of charge. However, you cannot return a non-related item eg – a microwave etc, you will instead be required to return the microwave to your local civic amenity site, which is also free of charge.
We can arrange for the collection of your WEEE items on the same day that we deliver your new product provided that we are given at least 24 hours notice of your intention to return.
You can bring back your WEEE within a maximum of 30 days from the date of delivery to our centre at Custom Gate Automation Ireland Ltd (gatekits.ie), Laragh, Kilcock, W23 R70C, Co. Kildare.
Please ensure you bring your receipt as proof of your purchase.
If you miss the cut off date you can also take your WEEE to your local civic amenity site at any time free of charge.
To find out more on what can be recycled please visit www.weeeireland.ie
To find out more on what can be recycled please visit www.weeeireland.ie